In 2009, Leah and Dennis Posterick were looking for a new place to live after spending a few too many winters in their native Minnesota.
Their oldest son Ryan was living in Pittsburg, and Leah said that after several visits, the town had already started to feel like a second home. So, when it came time to move, they knew just where they wanted to go.
One problem, though.
“After moving here, we really started missing having fresh roasted coffee,” Leah said. “There wasn’t a coffee roaster anywhere near Pittsburg.”
“There wasn’t a coffee roaster anywhere near Pittsburg.”
They could have bought some online or traveled quite a ways to get those fresh beans, but that’s not really their style.
“We wanted to be the ones to bring it to this community,” she said.
Signet Coffee Roasters was born. Nearly a decade later, Signet remains at the core of the bustling coffee culture in Pittsburg. From local coffee shops like Signet and Root Coffeehouse to chain shops like Starbucks and Scooters, Pittsburg residents have many choices when it comes to a nice cup of joe.
Taylor Whiteley, co-owner of Root, said she’s proud to not only be part of the growing coffee scene in Pittsburg, but also to be part of the resurgence downtown.

But, in the end, it is about the coffee. Really good coffee.
“My favorite thing about Root being in Downtown Pitt is the wide variety of people that we get to see and interact with,” she said. “While we do see a plethora of college students, we also serve a lot of families, people conducting business meetings, and groups of retired individuals.”
Whiteley said local coffee shops are important to the community for reasons beyond just what they serve.
“Local coffee shops are so important to communities like Pittsburg because they provide a safe, quiet place for people to spend time,” she said. “The experience of a local place is so different from that of a hurried, bustling chain. They are generally more relaxing and prime locations for building relationships.”
But, in the end, it is about the coffee. Really good coffee.
“We think so many decisions are made around a table while everyone is having their cup of coffee,” Posterick said. “The few people we have met who don’t like coffee still like the smell of coffee. It’s often something so ingrained in daily routines or even may hold a nostalgic place in your heart.”